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Maegan Boutot

A photo of Maegan Boutot
Science writer

Maegan was a science writer for Clue and an epidemiologist. Thinking about research validity and reproducibility keeps her up at night.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Perimenopause 101

How to know when perimenopause happening

Menopause and Perimenopause

Tips to manage perimenopause

Managing perimenopause depends on the experiences you have

A birth control pack
Hormones & Your Cycle

What you should know about hormones

Hormones are the messengers of the body, telling it how to breathe and grow.

Chemical structure of different forms of estrogen in the body.
Hormones & Your Cycle

Estrogen 101

Getting to know our hormones.

Chemical structure of different forms of estrogen in the body.
Hormones & Your Cycle

Estrogen 101

Getting to know our hormones.

Illustrations of a pregnancy test and Clue app with a "period late" notification

Am I having a miscarriage?

When a miscarriage occurs very early in pregnancy, it can be difficult to tell the difference between a miscarriage and...

An illustration of a thermometer, an illustration of a calendar, and an illustration of a hand inspecting bodily fluids.
Non-Hormonal Birth Control

Natural birth control and Fertility Awareness Methods

FAMs used in conjunction with other forms of contraception, such as condoms or spermicide, can decrease the risk of getting...

An illustration that depicts the cosmic awesomeness of an orgasm

How many types of female orgasms are there?

Most people report that some female orgasms are better than others. Clitoral stimulation, orgasms during sleep, exercise-induced orgasms, and more.

A person with short blonde hair frowns while looking at their phone.

Tracking your period can help you understand PMS symptoms. Here’s how

Tracking symptoms throughout your menstrual cycle can help you understand your experience of PMS.

an illustration of a rabbit with different forms of contraception
Birth Control

Birth control and sex drive

Whether you’re using birth control or not, you can use Clue to track both your sexual frequency and sex drive.


The science of sexual satisfaction

A happy sex life is an important part of a fulfilling life.

illustration of a light blue circle wrapped around a choclate bar, a banana, a loaf of bread and a muffin, some clue nutrition icons
vitex agnus castus
Zoom on the DNA, with some of the Clue mood icons inside of the cells. Illustration in the orange tones.

Genetic evidence for PMDD

A 2017 study shows that premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) might be linked to observable genetic behavior within cells.

Issues & Conditions

The immune system and the menstrual cycle

During the follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, people tend to have higher levels of antibodies.

picture of a coffee mug with latte art
two pairs of blank feet sticking out from underneath a blanket on a matress