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Alice McGee, MD, MSc

A photo of Alice McGee, MD, MSc
Science Writer & Advisor at Clue

Dr Alice McGee is a Science Writer & Advisor at Clue. She is a medical doctor by background with over 7 years experience in women's health research. She works across the Product and Science teams as clinical expertise for product and as a writer and content manager. Her research interests lie in cervical screening, fertility and perimenopause.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Tips to manage perimenopause

Managing perimenopause depends on the experiences you have

Cycle syncing

The truth about cycle syncing and exercise

Everything you need to know about exercise and your menstrual cycle.

Two hands, one holds a smart phone, and the other taps a square button on the screen

How to track endometriosis symptoms with Clue

Tracking endometriosis symptoms can create a detailed record which may help your healthcare provider with diagnosis and in forming a...

Clue x FitOn

Sleep and the menstrual cycle

What the latest research says about the relationship between sleep and the menstrual cycle

Clue x FitOn

Nutrition and the menstrual cycle

What the latest research says about coordinating your diet with your menstrual cycle.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Introducing Clue Perimenopause

A new mode designed to help you navigate the transition to menopause.