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Alice McGee, MD, MSc

A photo of Alice McGee, MD, MSc
Science Writer & Advisor at Clue

Dr Alice McGee is a Science Writer & Advisor at Clue. She is a medical doctor by background with over 7 years experience in women's health research. She works across the Product and Science teams as clinical expertise for product and as a writer and content manager. Her research interests lie in cervical screening, fertility and perimenopause.

Two hands, one holds a smart phone, and the other taps a square button on the screen

How to track endometriosis symptoms with Clue

Tracking endometriosis symptoms can create a detailed record which may help your healthcare provider with diagnosis and in forming a...

Clue x FitOn

The truth about cycle syncing and exercise

Everything you need to know about exercise and your menstrual cycle.

Clue x FitOn

Sleep and the menstrual cycle

What the latest research says about the relationship between sleep and the menstrual cycle

Clue x FitOn

Nutrition and the menstrual cycle

What the latest research says about coordinating your diet with your menstrual cycle.

Menopause and Perimenopause

Introducing Clue Perimenopause

A new mode designed to help you navigate the transition to menopause.