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Laurie Ray, DNP

A photo of Laurie Ray, DNP
Science Writer at Clue

Laurie is a former science content writer-researcher for Clue. She is a nurse practitioner specializing in reproductive and sexual health. Laurie has a passion for empowering people with knowledge about their bodies so they can live their healthiest lives.

two feet standing on a scale
Birth Control

Birth control and weight gain

Many people believe that hormonal birth control causes weight gain, but the research is not so clear cut. Here's how...

An arm wearing a ticking watch with blood drops.

What’s “normal”?: menstrual cycle length and variation

The menstrual cycle is more than just your period—it’s the rhythmic changes of the your reproductive system.

The phases and hormones of the menstrual cycle.
Menstrual Cycle

What is the menstrual cycle?

Understanding the cycle is important for your overall health. We break down the phases and hormones of the menstrual cycle.

Trying to Conceive

Can I conceive if my cycle is irregular?

While unpredictable cycles can make it harder to predict ovulation, it is possible.

An illustration of the development of an embryo.
Photo of two people standing back-to-back with their hair
Skin & Hair

Birth control, your skin, and your hair

How different types of hormonal birth control may affect your skin and hair.

This is an illustration of a person's head, the top of their head is open and white clouds are floating out. The head is dark orange on a bright orange background.

Depression, anxiety, and PCOS

People with PCOS are about 3 times more likely to experience depression and anxiety

Someone holding an ovulation test, looking down on result.

PCOS and pregnancy

Getting pregnant when you have PCOS can be a challenge, but treatments are available to help.

Photo of 3 different women
Hormonal Birth Control

How different types of hormonal birth control affect your mental health

Some say hormonal birth control negatively affected their mood, making them feel depressed, anxious, or irritable. You may also hear...

An illustration of the transgender symbol surrounded by different forms of birth control

What trans and nonbinary people need to know about birth control

Whether you’re undergoing hormone therapy or not, here’s what you need to know about preventing pregnancy.

Pumpkin seeds and almonds on top of granola, in a glass of milk.
An illustration of an IUD.
Birth Control

IUD myths and misconceptions

Is it painful to have an IUD inserted? Can an IUD get lost inside of me? Your questions about...